ID GameMagz - Daily Game News

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Writing with Red Pen Dangerous

Usually we write using pen who is black, but occasionally we also use a red ink. But do you know if you write with red pen dangerous?

Here I will share the information I know to you about the danger of Writing Using Red Pen. Writing with red pen looks good and is somewhat unique but not until the splendor and uniqueness is a danger to ourselves and others. With menggunakann red ink it will cause something that can damage our eyes and even on nice, unique but see also somewhat buremkan? If you frequently see a red colored text too long will lead to foolishness.

So here I would urge you to do terlalus with red ink, if you want to write with a color other than black then just write it with the blue, green, etc.. (but I think if you write with color kuningpun danger!)

So first of my hopefully useful information, and understand what I mean. And please komment well so that I can fix my mistakes in the future....


  1. Benarkah seberbahaya itu? Malah kalau pembelajarannya Goleman dianjurkan pakai warna merah agar menarik perhatian anak. Mohon penjelasannya.

    Salam ukhuwah

  2. kok bisa ya jika kita sering belajar apa ya jg menyebabkannya kang.........hehehehe soalnya indah sekali


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